Friday, July 25, 2014

Experts Implore Federal Government to Address RF Emissions Public Health Crisis

As our Government, healthcare and telecommunications companies continue to publicly deny adverse effect of RF emissions on children, parents, families and humans in general as well as our flora, marine life and fauna and continue to refuse to protect our health and well being, we are now seeing the FCC has been made well aware of these lethal effects with total disregard to the pleas of experts including medical professionals, attorneys, geophysicists, bioenvironmentalists and scholars worldwide, many of whom reside or did reside in the USA, many of whom with Government and Military positions.  Those of us with metal medical implants & devices or heavy metals in their bodies are being slowly cooked alive and no one will listen.

"Proposed Changes in the Commission’s Rules ) ET Docket No. 03-137
Regarding Human Exposure to Radiofrequency )
Electromagnetic Fields " -

Whitney North Seymour, Jr.
 455 Lexington Avenue, Room 1721
 New York, New York 10017
 Telephone: (212) 455-7640

Gabriel North Seymour
Gabriel North Seymour, P.C.
200 Route 126
Falls Village, CT 06031
Tel: 860-824-1412

Janet Newton, President 
P.O. Box 117 
Marshfield VT 05658 
Telephone: (802) 426-3035

Who is Whitney North Seymour?
Whitney North Seymour, Jr., Esq.
Retired Partner, Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP;
Former New York State Senator & United States Attorney, Southern District of NY
Co-Founder, Natural Resources Defense Council

He graduated Princeton University and Yale University Law School.  Seymour was independent counsel or special prosecutor in the case of Michael Deaver, a senior aide to President Ronald Reagan, who was convicted of perjury in 1987.

This document was dated November 13, 2013 and there were many, many other submissions to the FCC advising them of this same information, all of which they have chosen to disregard - some of the text below.  Please read the entire document here.  There are a number of audio presentations from experts worldwide imploring action to this public health crisis worldwide here.

Regarding those with implanted medical devices (such as the VP shunt implanted in my brain), he advised:


13. EMRPI reiterates that the FCC’s definition of “Harmful Interference” must be 
expanded if it is to be relevant to the ubiquitous environmental RF radiation exposure now present in Americans’ daily lives. 

14. FCC’s “Harmful Interference” definition must be expanded to include acute, 
chronic, or prolonged exposure to RF signals and emissions that endangers, degrades, obstructs or repeatedly interrupts biological functioning of a person, plant, animal or ecosystem, or results in adverse health effects, or malfunctioning of medical devices or equipment. EMRPI Comment page 13 Paragraph 55. 
15. “Harmful Interference that results in biological harm” is defined as “any negative change in a measurable biological, physiological or ecological parameter. “ 

16. The “Harmful Interference” definition must take into account the fact that RF radiation penetrates children and adults differently. 

17. “Harmful Interference” affects the 25 million Americans who now depend on implanted medical devices and medical equipment. “Harmful Interference” with a medical device should be defined as:

a. Exposure to electronics, metal detectors or wireless services that causes an FDA approved medical device such as a cardiac pacemaker, an insulin pump, a deep brain stimulator, a cochlear implant to malfunction and results in pain, bodily harm or death; 
b. Exposure to metal detectors and/or RF signals while a person is in a metal or electronic wheelchair and results in pain, bodily harm, negative health effects or death; 
c. Exposure to metal detectors and/or RF signals to a person with implanted metallic bone replacement devices that results in pain, bodily harm, negative health effects or death. 

18. Smart meters are some of the many devices that can cause such “Harmful Interference” that are described in Comments and affidavits filed in this proceeding. Various individuals filed Comments about RF interference with implants that should be heeded. Laddie W. Lawings, retired Naval Nuclear Inspector; Judi Hangarther, RN; Kate Reese Hurd; and Gary Olhoeft, PhD in Geophysics (in the EMRPI Comment).

19. Medtronics, manufacturer of medical implants, warns of harmful interference to implanted medical devices in uncontrolled or controlled environments at current levels.
20. “Cardiac pacemakers, defibrillators, and drug delivery systems…may exhibit improper operation when subjected to strong RF fields. …It is critical…that any new RF rules…ensure that RF exposure limits below 300 kHz do not cause harmful interference to implanted medical devices….” pg 7 Laddie W Lawings, retired Naval Nuclear Inspector.
21. The Mayo Clinic advises that cardiac pacemaker patients take precautions to prevent electromagnetic interference with the proper functioning their device: 


22. The FCC appears to be assuming that there will be a large cost to lowering its current RF safety limits. If setting RF safety limits much more restrictive than the current FCC RF safety limits has a substantial cost, the countries such as Switzerland, Russia, China, and others who use a 0.1 µW/cm2 RF safety limit would have experienced these costs. No such adverse cost to countries that allow 100 times lower RF safety limits has been substantiated.

23. As for the dollar cost of the health damage caused to millions of Americans from using RF safety limits that allow this radiation to interfere with the health and well-being of citizens, the responsibility and resources for compiling and comparing the dollar cost from lax vs. protective RF safety limits rest on the FCC and relevant Federal Agencies.
24. The EPA should be provided with the extensive Comments on health in this record that indicate damage at the present FCC-allowed levels of RF exposure and asked to provide the dollar value of this damage, insisted upon by the FCC. The FCC can then subtract the documented cost of requiring RF safety limits that are 100 times more protective based on what has happened in the countries using those RF limits and arrive at the cost of not acting to protect human health.
25. Federal Agencies put the economic value of a human life at $ 6-7.9 million. 
26. Substantial damage occurs when people are disabled from an environmental illness. The Annual Cost to the U.S. of Environmental Illness is between $57 billion and $397 billion. 
Muir & Zegarac-Charyl Zehfus Sept 16, 2013 filing of PMID 11744507 [PubMed-indexed for 
27. Costs of some diseases associated in the peer-reviewed research record with EMR exposure that are found in academic journals and government and foundation resources are: 
• Autism - $137 Billion USD - Xuejun Kong, MD - Christopher McDougle, MD. N. Am J. 
Med. Sci. 6(3) 2013 
• Cancer - $125 billion USD - (2010)
• Cardiovascular Disease - $444 billion (2010)
• Diabetes – Statistics from the new report of The International Diabetes Foundation: 
1. An estimated 5.1 million people died of diabetes-related complications in 2013. 
2. 17% of babies in 2013 were born to women with high blood sugar levels, a sign of gestational diabetes that will contribute to the global diabetes burden in years to come. 
3. More than 79,000 children developed Type 1 diabetes in 2013; that's up from 77,800 in 2011. 
4. The equivalent of $548 billion were spent on health care for diabetes patients around the world in 2013. 
5. China, India and the United States top the list for the most cases of diabetes per 
country; around 24.4 million Americans had the disease in 2013.
28. In addition to the host of diseases linked to EMR at current levels, electrohypersensitivity (EHS), which afflicts 3% of the population, often substantially disables these people. 
(Grassroots Environmental Education, Inc. View 97 filed 9/24/13).
29. On October 15, 2013, the French federal agency ANSES (National Agency for Food, Environment and Work Health Security) published an update to its 2009 report   on the state of knowledge on risk related to exposure to radiofrequencies “based on a review of the international scientific literature” stating that: 
. . . against a background of rapid development of technologies and practices, ANSES recommends limiting the population’s exposure to radiofrequencies – in particular from mobile phones – especially for children and intensive users, and controlling the overall exposure that results from relay antennas. It will also be further developing its work on electro-sensitive individuals, specifically by examining all the available French and international data on this topic that merits attention.

30. Numerous individual Comments on EHS such as Richard Meltzer, Shelley Master, Miriam Weber, M.D. Michele Hertz, Michael Schwaebe, Kevin Mottus, Heather Lane, Scott Spiegal, Kate Reese Hurd, Edna Willadsen, Diane Schou, Deborah Rubin, and many others are of record in this proceeding.
31. Commenter Kit Weaver presents documentation that Utilities, and others in the smart grid, smart meter and smart home industry are violating the ADA by subjecting people with electromagnetic sensitivity to RF radiation in their own homes. “The FCC should stipulate that no utility, government, or other entity can require installation of an RF-emitting device upon one’s property without consent.”

32. EMRPI strongly opposes the Reply of the Utilities Telecom Council (UTC) that calls for categorical exclusion of Smart Meter facilities from routine evaluation. There is no need to return to the dangerous concept of exclusion by category. There has been no FCC evaluation of the complex emissions scenarios that arise from wireless Smart Meter buildout. The FCC does not know what the radiation patterns and emissions levels are when antennas are clustered on apartment buildings or in neighborhoods where buildings are close to each other. 



33. Lloyd’s of London is excluding coverage for claims for negative health effects from RF 
radiation exposure as stated in the submitted affidavit of Michael Schwaebe, Professional 

Engineer, who swears to physiological effects experience by himself and observed in 13 of his 


Two of the world's largest insurance companies, Lloyds and Swiss Re, have 

recommended to other insurance companies to write in exclusion clauses against 
paying compensation for illnesses caused by continuous long-term non-ionizing 

radiation exposure.[1,2] . The recent Austrian insurance company AUVA report 

confirms DNA-breaks caused by non-ionising radiation, but the report leaves many 

issues open. Remember what Swiss Re wrote in 2005? 

For the insurance industry, this standoff gives rise to an extremely 

dangerous risk of change composed of two parts: the classical development 

risk, that is, the possibility that new research findings will demonstrate 

electromagnetic fields to be more dangerous than has hitherto been 

assumed; and the sociopolitical risk of change, in other words, the 

possibility that changing social values could result in scientific findings 

being evaluated differently than they have been thus far. 

Update 24th September: This is bad news for those employers who expose their 
workers heavily to non-ionising radiation. Precedents: There are already several 

cases where the worker got compensation because their tumours etc., were caused 

by mobile phone& other occupational EMF exposure [1,2,3,4,5] . And the amount of cases will most likely increase:

 34. EMRPI and the endorsed Commenters lay out evidence of widespread present disease and disability with the resultant medical bills and loss of work from over-radiating the public. The future economic impact on young children now being affected will ripple forward in time and amplify as the negative health effects multiply with their cumulative and ever-increasing exposure. 
35. The concept that thermal injury is “the only scientifically established mechanism of harm” for EMR and RF effects is simplistic and outdated. 
36. Biological Mechanisms are comprised of complex interrelationships at the microscopic level. The FCC must accommodate changes in scientific knowledge found in studies published since 1986 on mechanisms of non-thermal effects of EMR and RF radiation exposure to humans and the environment. 
37. The FCC must assess the research needs and gaps relating to potential biological and adverse health effects of wireless communications devices identified in the 2008 National Academies of Science Report 12036. 
38.  Recent research findings support continuing precautionary actions by various governments and agencies.  Current research findings support the concept of biologically-based EMR and RF exposure safety limits.
39.  NEPA mandates that it is time for the FCC to establish biologically-based EMR and RF Radiation Safety regulations.  The FCC must comply with NEPA requirements.  

40. The evidence of the need to revise FCC RF safety limits and exposure regulations to protect all members of the public are overwhelming.  The FCC's duty to protect the public is beyond dispute.  The Commission has failed to comply with the House Committee on Commerce's mandate to adopt "uniform, consistentent requirements, with adequate safeguards of
the public health and safety," and that these were to be "established as soon as possible." (H.R. 
Report No. 104-204, p. 94) This is a core duty imposed on this Commission. The 
Congressional Committee reiterated this expectation for emphasis on page 95 of House Report 
The Committee believes the Commission rulemaking on this issue (ET Docket 93-62) should contain adequate, appropriate and necessary levels of protection of the public, and needs to be completed expeditiously. 
 41. This Congressional statement requires on-going conscientious Commission compliance -- sufficient to protect the public in light of all of the research, health studies and experience now available to the agency. 

Respectfully submitted, 
The EMRadiation Policy Institute 

by Janet Newton, President 
P.O. Box 117 
Marshfield VT 05658 
Telephone: (802) 426-3035
 Whitney North Seymour, Jr. 
425 Lexington Avenue, Room 1721 
New York, NY 10017 
Tel: 212-455-7640 
Fax: 212-455-2502 
Gabriel North Seymour 
Gabriel North Seymour P.C. 
200 Route 126 
Falls Village, CT 06031 
Tel: 860-824-1412 
November 18, 2013 Attorneys for The EMRadiation Policy Institute

My question is if the US Government is denying there is an RF emissions danger yet protecting themselves from it, why aren't "the people" being protected as well?

RF Protective Clothing My MD Recommended for my VP Shunt - It is Available Online

Tweet #RIPHumanity

Monday, July 21, 2014

Working in Corporate America - Life and Death in Telecommunications (Charter)


When I was working at Charter Communications, it was a 7 story all-glass building here in Louisville, KY - very pretty and was built in 2000. When the fire alarms went off, we were not always permitted to leave the phones, and could generally only do so if a Supervisor told us we could leave. It was tough to find a Sup on weekends, though. Sometimes they evacuated us outside, sometimes they didn't. They never told us the reasons for all the alarms, although a very nice young firefighter who I spoke with said it was a faulty sprinkler system, which never went off. Ever. Except once, and as I understand it, that was the last time. But they did cover the computers, which was good because they were Dells, after all.

There was no order to the evacuations, and panicked kids - mostly high school graduates and some that didn't even graduate, scared to death saying it was chaos. Some just sat on the curb and smoked cigarettes because they became desensitized and traumatized. Myself, I needed to prove I could return to work and not let everyone down.

When the fire alarms went off we were not permitted to use the elevator.

I was lucky because of a hearing deficit for which I was required to provide documentation, I was permitted to sit where I chose. So it was on the 3rd floor by a window, with a grass lawn below. I figured I could survive that jump as tough as I have learned to be. I sized up the quality of the panes and figured I could toss my chair through the window. Maybe the firefighters would have one of those things on TV they catch people with. But as I said, they stopped coming after a while and I also happened to choose a seat where they drove up front and I could see when they were there.

There was a young woman on the floor above me in a wheelchair. I prayed for my safety and the safety of my friends, and of course my cats and family, but most especially those above me who could not walk down those stairs.

Tornadoes - we have them down here in Kentucky. Lots of em. When the tornado sirens would go off, sometimes we were permitted to leave, sometimes we weren't. Sometimes they evacuated us to the basement, sometimes they didn't. The first time it happened I just left and drove home, thinking that my chances of survival were greater meeting a tornado on the Gene Snyder freeway than in that building, and on the Gene Snyder, if you''re doing 80 you need to be in the slow lane. I was penalized for leaving that night. But there was a 100' high crane boom eye-to-eye with me a couple hundred yards away outside, and that thing waved in the wind like the World Trade Center used to

You learned quickly to ignore the strobes and the sirens. Charter did, after all, want a genuine focus on the customer, and I always tried to be loyal to whomever signed my paychecks - I finally received my final commission check from April 2007 last week. It wasn't easy.

Funniest thing - on the rare occasion we were evacuated, I happened to be in the lunch room having my dinner by myself. Since that was a frequent occurrence I just stayed in my own little world reading the paper. I didn't realize until I'd gotten back upstairs they had been evacuated to the basement and let back up again, and those strobes were kind of like elevator music to us after a while, except those who suffered epileptic seizures.

No one even knew I was missing, and no one checked the lunch rooms. Whatever.

So we prayed for ourselves, our friends and our families, but maybe we should have been praying for Charter's customers since they still have to deal with them.

People used to smoke upstairs. I did bring it to management's attention. Didn't stop it though. That's ripe.

Funny too because now I work for an excellent company whose actions are consistent with their exposed Mission Statement, and when they test their alarms I do not even notice it. Just like a Veteran, some sounds you know to listen for and some you learn to tune out.

Being from the state I was (NJ), I was well familiar with corruption. Having had an honest Fire Chief for a significant other for a good number of years, I was also quite attuned to fire safety, having heard the horror stories of trapped buddies who burned to death, and what it was like on 9/11. I actually have not watched TV since that date. Having been a municipal inspector I was also quite attuned to what constituted an honest inspector and what didn't. Funny that the country jokes about corruption in New Jersey. But most New Jersey buildings are safe now to the best of my knowledge.

The firefighters near Charter, after all, had to follow orders, as did we, or we would lose our jobs because those that spoke out were quickly terminated (fired).

This particular call center in Kentucky employs close to 800 kids to the best of my knowledge - they are after all, entry level positions. Do you really understand why your telephone support is outsourced? India has safety standards for buildings such as this. I don't see any around here, but hey, maybe that's just me.

So what have we learned since 9/11? Not much, in my opinion. Except how to ignore even more than we did before.

Building Characteristics
Type GENOFF : General Office
Year Built 2000
Element Detail
Exterior Wall
Roofing Structure 1
Condition EX
Bldg Type General Office:001
Stories 7
Full Bathrooms
Half Bathrooms

10300 Ormsby Park Pl

Parcel ID 320800200000
LRSN 1015123
Assessed Value $16,350,170
Acres 10.19

Old District 21
Property Class 445 Com Office
Deed Book/Page
Fire District Lyndon
School District Jefferson County
Neighborhood 80 / COMMERCIAL

Satellite City Lyndon
Sheriff's Tax Info View Tax Information

Land Value Improvements Value Assessed Value
$3,568,250 $12,781,920 $16,350,170

Area Type Gross Area Finished Area
Main Unit 153,100

Exemption Date Land Improvements Total Reason
None 09/28/2005 $3,568,250 $12,781,920 $16,350,170 R
None 02/14/2001 $299,440 $14,896,700 $15,196,140 R

(February 12, 2005)

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Kevin, The Tower Guy

So yesterday while Sammy and I were driving around taking pics of prime real estate in my neighborhood, we came across a guy named Kevin who says he worked for a telecommunications subcontractor putting up towers.  I asked him if he could check the wattage on the massive cell tower across the street from me and he said, "Sure".  The problem is all of his four RF checkers were dead.  Batteries - all dead.  But he said he was certain they all met FCC spec.  He said it was the Government's jurisdiction to ensure their safety between the FCC and the EPA.  We have at least 5 easily identifiable ones within a square mile of my home that I can see.

The areas between these five towers are nearly barren - tire blowouts everywhere, retreads blowing off tractor trailers.  Tree lines barren on top between these towers with only dead branches.  Dead disoriented birds everywhere many of which can barely fly and can no longer migrate.  Few insects and those that are left struggle with odd behavior or are incapacitated.  Ground surface dry, cracked and settling even with adequate rainfall.  Asphalt cracked, uneven and settled.  Concrete flaking, cracking and disintegrating.  Astronomical traffic accidents and fatalities.  Many residents feel like zombies walking glassy eyed.  Very little movement, no one outside on a beautiful sunny day. Liquor and drug sales soaring. Electronics failing, fuses blowing continually.  Complacency, illness and inefficiency abounds simply because we can no longer think and function. Any stagnant water left is teeming with bacteria.  Residents and animals with any type of metal or silicone in them (piercings, implants, joint replacements, bands) suffer with autoimmune disorders becoming more and more debilitated and are degenerating rapidly.  Animals, domestic and feral alike developing leukemia, brain tumors & digestive disorders.  That is life here now.

Kevin said just because this and other towers were heating up the area and human bodies  (VP shunt, remember) it didn't mean it was amped up.  The way I took that to mean was that the specifications themselves were corrupted and not in line or taking into account the health, safety and well being of living beings and the environment around them.  Apparently all those contributions, donations and lobbying I'd seen on by the telecommunications, electronics and IT companies were paying off big time now, and America is now in the process of cannibalizing itself.  He says the specifications were drawn up by the IEEE.

We are not seeing accurate, correct statistics or figures on cancers, leukemias, neurological disorders, etc... in our area, nor are we seeing correct statistics on unemployment, foreclosures, suicide rates or traffic fatalities.  I see it here - I can tell you it is beyond belief.

Kevin, being only 21, accepts this as the way of life today and understands this is the life he has been born into - that "it has always been done this way".  He feels powerless over a few telecommunications companies run by a handful of psychopaths, not really understanding that all he has to do is shut that thang down.  It really is that simple, Kevin. Unplug.

Kevin has yet to understand he does not *have to* use his cell phone.  He does not *have to* watch TV.  He does not *have to* do a lot of things.  He does not *have to* kill the people around him, his children, his parents, his environment, his family, his friends or his neighbors.  Neither does ATT or Verizon.  But this is what the general public demands, so this is what they are pressuring Washington to do, and Washington has buckled under their demands.  All of the below massive towers are within one square mile of each other and our homes.

According to there are 147 towers and 923 antenna in a four mile radius of Louisville - that is 61 towers less than all of New York City.

In front of the KFC off LaGrange Road, Louisville 40245

Another failed retail building off LaGrange Road, Factory Lane, 40245 - this was a Blockbuster, owned by Thieneman Realty - they cannot even complete a sidewalk leading to the shopping center to encourage pedestrian traffic yet have permitted four stores to sell liquor - this corner is a death trap.  Directly in front of Lake Forest subdevelopment / Forest Springs.

Thorntons at the corner of Factory Lane and LaGrange Road - another death trap, gas gouging establishment - sells tons of liquor though.  Not a safe place for kids or families but ok if you're a risk-taker.

Kids gymnastics facility.  I would steer clear - many traffic accidents/fatalities in this area although I do not see they are being reported.

Lake Forest subdevelopment - surrounded by barren, failed subdevelopments, retail buildings - mostly  vacant. Roadways in front are being undermined, cracked with potholes galore. Behind the Rogers Sandstone Quarry - poor air quality (particulate), expect to develop cancer in 5-10 years, or leukemia, autoimmune illnesses.  Across the street and scattered around here debris, tree stumps & garbage buried everywhere.  Not a good place for proposed development.  Off Old Henry Road, Louisville, 40245.

Another poorly planned failed subdevelopment with inadequate drainage.  Pretty, though.  Lots of debris, trash, tree stumps buried here as well.  Surrounded by 4G LTE cell towers - tree tops burned off too.

More failed development off Old Henry Road.

Clairborne Crossing Apartments - they appear to be more of a prison than apartments, dug into a hole in the ground.  Lots of debris, garbage, tree stumps buried in this area - not a good place for kids, families, surrounded by 5 4G LTE cell towers. Unsafe water, too close to the Rogers Sandstone Quarry - poor air quality, especially particulate - you will have difficulty breathing here.  Not recommended if you've got allergies or autoimmune issues.  Off Old Henry Road, Louisville, KY 40245, Exit 30 of the Gene Snyder (I-265).

This is where most of the tree stumps, trash and debris are being buried behind Jewish Hospital Northeast off Old Henry Road off Exit 30 of the Gene Snyder (I-2650 in Louisville, KY.  I would not invest in property here unless you're into Superfund or Brownfields cleanup gigs.  Update as of March 2016 - land being cleared and construction underway for a Thornton's Contact Center.  What a waste of what could have been a magnificent piece of property - I hope Thornton's cleans it up, digs up all the trash that's buried and landscapes it to it's fullest potential - the view from the top there is astounding. I wish them luck with it.

Ground undermining behind Jewish Hospital Northeast off Old Henry Road, off Exit 30 of the Gene Snyder (I-265) Louisville, KY, between cell towers (5 4G LTE towers within one square mile area).  Infrastructures which are nearly new are crumbling.

Behind the Abandoned Jewish Hospital Northeast between Cell Towers - Treetops Burned, ground undermining, debris, trash, concrete and tree stumps buried everywhere.  You can see the burned treetops.  Off Old Henry Road, Louisville near Exit 30 of the Gene Snyder (I-265).

The Abandoned Jewish Hospital Northeast (now KentuckyOne) - only a few years old - nearly abandoned

They removed hundreds of trees for this construction - it lays barren and abandoned - again, between cell towers - cracked, barren & broken, buried concrete and debris everywhere.  Off Old Henry Road, Louisville

Vacant, for sale, abandoned properties off Old Henry Road, Louisville, between cell towers - buried concrete, debris, tree stumps everywhere - they're hoping to make subdevelopments or industrial there.  Barren area.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Getting Grounded

From a 2008 article:

Verizon Foes Ground & Pound in New York

Phil Harvey

How badly does Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE: VZ) want its New York grounding controversy to go underground?

So much so the company is now offering to shell out what could amount to millions of dollars to FiOS customers across several counties where the carrier has repeatedly returned to homes to fix electrical problems identified by state officials, Light Reading has learned from a study of documents filed with the New York Department of Public Service (NYDPS).

"Verizon will issue the corresponding product credit to each customer account…", that was improperly installed or cited as being problematic, the carrier wrote in a document filed with the NYDPS on Aug. 15. The point of the account credits is to "compensate such customers for the inconvenience of the inspection (and, where applicable, remediation) process," the document stated. "The total amount of credits required... may be in the millions of dollars, depending upon the level of compliance that is achieved."

What's going on?
Over the past two years, New York State officials have conducted several field audits of Verizon FiOS installations and most weren't bonded or grounded properly, as mandated by the National Electrical Code. The carrier is now in the process of auditing its own work and correcting the issues identified by the NYDPS, and those fixes won't have any bearing on Verizon's New York State video franchise, which has already been approved.

Since the spring of 2006, the NYDPS has documented numerous examples of Verizon installations in Nassau, Orange, Rockland, and Westchester counties that it says weren't properly grounded. The following photos, extracted from the state's April 2008 installation audit, show the extent of some of the ugliness that Verizon now says it is committed to cleaning up:

NYDPS officials say the grounding issue poses a "potential safety risk to the premises and its occupants" in the case of FiOS homes, according to one report sent to Verizon two years ago. "We tentatively conclude that FiOS may form an electrically conductive path both to the outside world as well as other electrically powered devices inside the building," that report stated.

Verizon, in July, laid out a Network Review Plan, where it discussed an extensive effort to check its installers' work and fix and document any problems it discovered. After Light Reading posed questions about this quandary, Verizon commented that it has been working on the issue for a while and that it puts safety first.

Industry analysts say this issue is probably more political than it is an issue of public safety. And the point of being political is to chip away at a competitor's reputation. "As an old Bell System Installation and Repair foreman, I'd say that Verizon-New York has some serious quality problems," says Kermit Ross, principal at Millennium Marketing. "If the problems are Verizon-wide, FiOS' momentum is bound to be affected."

Meanwhile, cable companies must be snickering at the fits they're giving the big telco. One document filed with New York State even acknowledges that the impetus to inspect the FiOS installations came "in response to concerns expressed by consumers, municipalities, and competitors."

"The only thing that strikes me as out of the ordinary here is that it's usually the other way around," says Heavy Reading senior analyst Alan Breznick. "The phone guys have used public services commissions for years to keep cableguys snarled up, and now Verizon's getting a taste of its own medicine."

And now, we wait… 
Two days ago, the NYPSC issued a notice that it will consider "whether to approve, modify, or reject, in whole or in part" Verizon's Network Review Plan. That will happen on Sept. 22.

— Phil Harvey, Editor, Light Reading

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