Monday, February 22, 2010

Steven and Sally Quing Miller Receive Probation for Pet Massacre

To Judge John, Stephen and Sally:

It's easy to ignore the mass destruction of the pets we called our loved ones, and some our babies, all of which were our friends, especially when there are no faces, names or histories behind those nameless, anonymous 30,000+ some family pets that died due to your greed and ignorance.

Let me introduce you to two: Coho and Rosie.

Coho was adopted from a feral family that lived in a barn under hay bales in Palmer (you'll see a photo below), Alaska, and flown home by me when he was 8 weeks old - for a better life (for both of us). Coho was the runt of the litter, and I was exhausted and tired of work and life, in general. Coho (the orange and white tabby) was like a puppy - he would follow me wherever I went - I took him to the park, on my boat (he loved waiting for the fish), jogged with me (with no leash) and lived peacefully alongside the animals at the farm I lived at. Although I had many friends, he was my best friend - always by my side - always the clown making me smile and laugh. Coho would go with me to the gym and hang with the guys while I trained, and sit under my desk at work.

Rosie just showed up one day about 6 months later and never left. Now Rosie was one of those cats who no matter what, would not leave you alone. He lived for pets, like a cocaine addict lived for their drug. If Rosie sensed someone was allergic to cats, he would be in their face even more. There was no pushing Rosie away if being petted was a viable possibility.

They were inseparable. They were my lifeline. Coho once had an accident where he'd laid on the motor of the car and got caught in the fan belt, but he survived just fine. But while he recuperated at home heavily sedated, Rosie never left his side (you'll see photos below).

We were working with Rosie to be a therapy cat to take to local Nursing Homes to visit the bedridden Seniors, unfortunately shortly before that happened he was taken by the pet food recall, as was Coho.

Prior to this time, my Mother was diagnosed with cancer, and I took care of her at home. She chose to sleep on the chair because they'd cut away half of her face and her right eye (she had paranasal sinus cancer), but Rosie slept on her lap every night. He bought her so much joy.

Although Coho was the runt of the litter, he grew to a whopping 25 lbs, however wasted down to 8 after he went into renal failure from the tainted pet food recall. We tried the best we could to keep him alive, giving him IV's twice a day, but it finally took his life. Toward the end, he became somewhat delusional and disoriented, and once he could no longer stand, we took him to the vets to be euthanized. I could not bear to watch. We held his paw and when I started to cry, Coho looked up at me, and I had to walk out. I am so sorry, Coho.

Rosie passed away about a month later - he refused the IV treatment and I could not keep him hydrated. Everyone Rosie ever came in contact with (hundreds of people) say they never met another cat like him, and how sad it was we could not get him to the Nursing Homes as was scheduled. Both were 14 years old.  I loved them all so very much - more than anyone could ever understand.  But they say there is a reason for everything, and I'm still trying to find the reason for the above losses. I'm also trying to find a reason that the individuals responsible not for just my two, but THOUSANDS, have been given what boils down to a slap on the wrist, and have already started up a new business venture.

I am a loving person - I am not a vengeful or spiteful person. I also believe there is a Creator, and Karma. You understand the rest of the story.

Rest in Peace, Coho, Rosie and the untold thousands of others who died by the hands of greed and profit - I pray we will see you at the Rainbow Bridge.

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