Sunday, May 4, 2014

No, Toto, This Isn't Kansas - It's the FDA: US Pet Food Fiasco Part 4

This post originally appeared April 26, 2007 and was also removed:

I never understood how either stupid or greedy companies in this country are.  Is it stupidity and greed or is it malicious intent? 

1.  Largest pet food recall in history as a result of dog and cat deaths.  FDA still hasn't started counting how many dead animals yet, although it seems as though they don't want to, don't want us to, and didn't think we'd notice.  Does that fall under the "don't ask, don't tell" rule?

2.  FDA indicated it was melamine that killed the animals, although the crystalline composites in the urine of dead animals were not 100% consistent with melamine.  Guess they didn't think we'd notice that, either.

3.  Along with the body counts of dead animals, we've also lost count of the products recalled.  Apparently we haven't begun to track where the recalled pet food went, either, but have you ever tried counting chickens?

4.  Pet food companies sold the recalled contaminated pet food as "scrap" to hog farms and chicken farms - scrap/feed - much like our SPAM - we don't know what's in it but we eat it.  Soooo...they labelled it something else and sold it somewhere else, because hey, who cares about chicken and pigs - they have to be killed anyway before we eat them so what's the problem?

5.  We ate them.

6.  Today, April 26th, Captain David Elder of the FDA, notified eight states  " that adulterated swine products will not be approved to enter the food supply".  Fellas, it already did.

7.  The combination of melamine and cyanuric acid is of concern to human and animal health," Elder said. "Melamine, at detected levels, is not a human health concern," he added.  So, Capt., you would have no objections to feeding this to your children tonight?
8.  What's cyanuric acid used for?  To keep algae growth out of swimming pools and hot tubs.  Will most likely keep it out of our stomachs, so that's a good thing, right?  But doesn't Dannon yogurt tell us healthy flora is good for us?  So now we're going to kill it, but it's not a human health concern?  I'm confused.

10.  Thanks, notifying "eight states" that you will not approve those pigs and chickens entering the human food chain after they've already been cooked, served, seasoned and eaten.

11.  What a clever way to poison the food supply - simply take advantage of our greed. 

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