Sunday, May 4, 2014

No, Toto, This Isn't Kansas - It's the FDA: US Pet Food Fiasco: Part 3

This post originally appeared on April 25, 2007 but was also removed:

And so now we learn that much of this recalled pet food has been sold as "scrap" feed for pigs that will be used for human consumption.

To the top of the food chain whomever is investigating this pet food (which is now human food) travesty:

#1.  We need immediate full disclosure as to who EXACTLY, purchased the tainted wheat/rice/corn gluten, and a full accounting of where it went, whether it be to pet food distributors, pig farms, McDonalds, whatever - where did it go.  And some answers as to WHY.

#2.  Apparently those that sold it to pig farms were "unaware" of the potential health ramifications, pretty much like one who'd close their eyes while pulling a trigger - unaware of where the bullet went?  Same thing.  Knew they did it, knew the probable outcome, but since they didn't see where it went it didn't matter.  To them.  But that is the American Law of Unaccountability for Profit - if it doesn't directly affect their little world and makes money, it is good, regardless who else or what else it harms.

Unfortunately fellas, lots more people care about their pets than you would ever have imagined.  Since the animals' failed organs cannot be held together by spit, chewing gum, co-pays and prescriptions like us humans which only brings in more profits for the pharmaceutical megaconglomerates, animals simply get sick and die.  And we don't take too kindly to that.  We are trusting of our illustrious leaders, and assume each of us can speak for ourselves, therefore little if anything gets said about how our food chain and our lives have been polluted for profit.  But Fluffy can't speak, and we are speaking for all the Fluffys and Fidos who are now sick or dead.

My guess is this melamine has been being added to these glutens for quite some time, however whomever the light bulb was that concocted the idea got greedy and began to add more.  More than little Fluffy's system could fight, and Fluffy died.  Painfully.  But we humans, we just get sick and that's great for the economy.  But you shouldn't have messed with Fluffy.

"If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man," said Albert Einstein.

We are moving up the food chain.  Mr. Einstein, where are you?

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